August 11, 2020 What’s New NEW: New feature to display specific brand/manufacturer (manual vs automatic flush valve or faucets) by the location of the project (CAN / US) on ATS Spec Tool NEW: Integration of google analytics on all spec tool to track user traffic and behaviour for reporting and feature developments
August 26, 2020
August 26, 2020 What’s New NEW: New categories (Lock & Pressure Relief Valve) were introduced to ATS spec tool NEW: New category (Pressure Relief Valve) was introduced to WATTS SpecHub NEW: New category image for pump switches, pump oil guard – alarm panel, faucet and flush valve battery – backup, storage tanks
March 19, 2020
When looking to choose the right flush valve for your project, the application and conditions must be considered. A variety of factors will help decide which product will work best. Flush valves are simply automatically timed self-closing valves. They are broken down into two groups: Piston-types and Diaphragm-types. Although each has different characteristics, they