March 31, 2020 What’s Improved Improvements on Drainage Schedule to include interceptors, backwater valve and roof drain accessory categories Improved an issue with too many users loading the category selection page Improvements on Backflow Schedule to include ACV, vacuum breaker, backflow preventer accessory categories Dramatic speed improvement (2-3X on average for a project
March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020 What’s New NEW: User engagement, usage and product report NEW: User profile page to allow user to change user profile and passwords Team management page to allow user to create, edit and delete office details and users What’s Improved Display all option added for category selection Added thermostatic,
March 03, 2020
March 3rd, 2020 What’s New NEW: Product brochure (marketing and promotional document that is designed to inform prospective customers the selected products within a specification or project) are added as part of print formats NEW: Accessory schedule has been added to be part of schedule print formats NEW: Reporting service which includes user