April 21, 2020 What’s New NEW: Added Request spec build as a menu option on ATS Spec Tool What’s Improved Include company name and user information on the user and product reports Improved schedule to include thermostatic mixing valve, mechanical mixing valve and carriers in...
March 31, 2020 What’s Improved Improvements on Drainage Schedule to include interceptors, backwater valve and roof drain accessory categories Improved an issue with too many users loading the category selection page Improvements on Backflow Schedule to include ACV, vacuum breaker, backflow preventer accessory categories Dramatic speed improvement...
MAINTAINING HVAC SYSTEMS Closed-loop heating and cooling systems require appropriate treatment programs to control corrosion, fouling, and harmful microbiological growth. Heat transfer fluids such as glycols also require adequate preventive treatment in order to maintain optimal performance. Deposits of iron sludge that occur in closed heating and...
When looking to choose the right flush valve for your project, the application and conditions must be considered. A variety of factors will help decide which product will work best. Flush valves are simply automatically timed self-closing valves. They are broken down into two groups: Piston-types and Diaphragm-types....
March 17, 2020 What’s New NEW: User engagement, usage and product report NEW: User profile page to allow user to change user profile and passwords Team management page to allow user to create, edit and delete office details and users What’s Improved Display all option...
The new year is here, and with it are new changes to the Ontario Building Code (OBC). Over the years, Canada has been assessing its current regulations to make daily living more accessible for the less abled, including those who are wheelchair-bound or have reduced mobility. In 2016 suggestions...
March 3rd, 2020 What’s New NEW: Product brochure (marketing and promotional document that is designed to inform prospective customers the selected products within a specification or project) are added as part of print formats NEW: Accessory schedule has been added to be part of schedule print formats...
 Hockey eh?  This year’s 4th annual Hat-Trick for Humanity took place on February 6-7th, where 16 teams battled for the winning title on the ice!  Engineers, architects, mechanical contractors, and product manufacturers came together for an amazing cause to support SickKids Foundation while having fun. We managed...
February 18, 2020 What’s New NEW: Drainage & Backflow schedule are added as part of schedule print formats What’s Improved Improved specification download process by highlighting the download option during specification creation Improved display of products with Revit files on the specification detail page Improvement to spec...
January 30, 2020 What’s New NEW: New format to allow users to download individual Revit families for every product organized based on their project specification NEW: List of filters for each product category are displayed to help user find their products and create an accurate specification What’s Improved...