Building a Firm Master on ATS SpecTool

Building a Firm Master on ATS SpecTool


Chapter 1: Introduction

Key Takeaways:

  1. Definition of an Office Master
  2. Benefits of having a Master Specification
  3. Overview of the session’s agenda


Chapter 2: Understanding Office Masters

Key Takeaways:

  1. Office Masters include products, materials, and specific application standards
  2. Masters can be organized by application or client need
  3. Importance of previous learning in creating Masters


Chapter 3: Best Practices for Masters

Key Takeaways:

  1. Accessibility for the design team is crucial
  2. Regular updates and maintenance are necessary
  3. Investing time in creation and maintenance to avoid future issues


Chapter 4: ATS Spec Tool Overview

Key Takeaways:

  1. Compliance with building codes in various regions
  2. Collaboration with numerous manufacturers
  3. Customization and live support for users


Chapter 5: Creating and Using Masters in ATS

Key Takeaways:

  1. Creating a Master involves setting details and selecting products
  2. Email spec service can assist in building Masters
  3. Using drag-and-drop feature to streamline project specification


Chapter 6: Templates as a Resource

Key Takeaways:

  1. Templates offer an alternative to create Masters
  2. Regular updates to templates provide new product insights
  3. Templates can’t be edited but can be copied into projects


Chapter 7: Support and Closing

Key Takeaways:

  1. Multiple support options including demos and email service
  2. Constant updates and improvements to ATS products
  3. Encouragement to stay connected with ATS for any assistance